Super Power Incorporated
One of the most important and desirable attributes to being super-powered is greater than human strength. Yet strength is only the first step, existing alongside super-human agility, speed, endurance and reaction time. In today’s episode you will be taught the basics to attaining these not-so-lofty goals. Exceeding the upper limits of human speeds, stretching beyond the limits of human dexterity, carrying beyond the normal capacity of a heavyweight – are all within your grasp. There is no myth behind it.

Through determination, effort, regimented activity and of course the proper mental capacity you will soon be lifting and throwing twice your body weight, leaping beyond Olympic levels of long jump, dodging pint glasses thrown at you across a bar and out-running even the fastest of pursuers. With the physics, chemistry and biology necessary, and in concert with our article Eating like a Superhero, read on to become even more super-human.

Step 1: Aerobic Exercises

See that meathead at the bench press lifting four hundred pounds? The one who’s chest is the size of your dishwasher?

He is weak.

The only misconception to being stronger than the average person is that you have to be monstrous and able to lift small vehicles. This is where most people fail. The work of muscles is graded in two steps: anaerobic processes which are those that require strength (more on this later) and aerobic processes which require muscle mobility. This mobility is more than essential to the everyday operation of your super muscles. The human body’s muscular system is fed by a stream of oxygen and blood and the term aerobic is a derivative of the Latin word for Air. Without air, humans die and this is the same for muscles. Muscle mobility allows one’s system to bend more efficiently, flex further and increases the capacity that it is able to perform at – all through its ability to use oxygen. Aerobic exercises are the key to this oxygen management. The science behind this states that lower amounts of weight, lifted more frequently is as beneficial and necessary as strength exercises. So the next time you are in the gym, working on improving your above average capacities, remember that swinging from ledges, hanging from telephone cables and lifting an enemy over a ledge to find answers isn’t just about being the vehicle lifting meathead. It is also about your biceps', quadriceps’  and triceps’ ability to properly manage and exploit oxygen. Think super – think Aerobic.

Step 2 : Anaerobic Exercises

Anaerobic, from the Latin without oxygen, are the processes in which your muscles use chemicals, proteins and acids. These are the sheer strength related activities. When you clean & jerk a park bench to crush the enemy’s getaway car, you are using the acids your muscles have built and stored. Anaerobic capacity judges the size of your muscle, and therefore the upper end of its capabilities and injury resistance. The larger and harder your muscles, the less damage they will sustain from your super-activities. The key to increasing the strength capacity of your muscles, is lifting your maximums over and over again, until it becomes your minimum.

These are the classic weight lifting exercises. Bench pressing your weight, leg pressing a pick-up truck, curling a dining room table, the muscle work that operates without oxygen, the deep-burning work. Yet as the beefcake in the corner demonstrated – it is useless without mobility. Next time you are tearing no-parking signposts from the ground and wielding them as defence mechanisms, be thankful you combine your Anaerobic with the Aerobic.

Step 3 : Cardiovascular Exercise and Lactic Acid

Cardiovascular exercise raises endurance. Its goal is to prolong the length you are able to compete at maximum level. This is a very important part of the strength and agility combination. The endurance of a muscle is a function of the lactic acid produced therein. When you exert yourself, lactic acid builds up. Lactic acid building up is what causes pain during exertion. Knowing the above: our goal is to therefore raise capacity through endurance exercises. The higher your ability to manage and use lactic acids, the longer you can perform. But there is another key component to the pain you will feel performing above and beyond a normal human, and that is:

Step 4 : Mindspace and Pain Ignorance

Your muscles are limited by the pain you feel. Ignoring pain therefore equals success. The pain is what stops you, and hence: ignoring pain allows for above human performance. Meditation is one of the keys. See our article on Telepathy, Telekinesis and Mind Control for further tips, but for now: The basics. Your mind is made of neurons and electrodes. These control everything in your body, one step at a time. if you were able to control what your body feels in relation to what your muscles were doing, then you'd be able to absorb an infinite amount of pain. Absorbing an infinite amount of pain, allows you to strain your muscles beyond capacity. Through these methods, those of pain ignorance and meditation - you will soon be operating your muscle structure at levels that supersede those of any man, woman, child or animal.

Step 5 : Success

There are many steps to succeeding at everything the article above discusses. Training at a Plyometric, Rugby -style exercise regime is a good start. Plyometrics are the quick production and absorption of Lactic Acid within the tissue. It is a method of exercising that combines aerobic, anaerobic and cardiovascular exercises. Furthermore, joints are weakest areas, focus on these – read our diet guidelines (Eating like a Superhero) for tips on improving your joint material via glucosamine, proper phytochemical and proper nutrient uptake. The joints have very specific mechanical breakpoints, usually judged in kilograms per metre squared. Move beyond these levels of joint capacity and success is at hand.

All of the above comes down to a few simple tips. Train at the above average level, but keeping your knowledge in hand. Combine each type of exercise in concert and unison. Never submit to your maximum capability, move beyond and you will be operating your body at the level of a super human.

Remember:  Action breeds Motivation breeds Action!

Today's Link: Stretch! -

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